Nice try Paris. Graffiti all you like, but we know deep
down you are soft like the bakery you attempt to obscure. This tag was done
with can in one hand, baguette in the other. Actually, I'm not even mad at that.
Hey, I’m in Paris and eating shitty escargot.
Just cleared up some room on the bucket list for other such items to include,
but not limit to: cliché in Asia; cliché in Africa; and bungee jumping.
Left: Rich lights a fag. Center: Wei-Ee eyes something knitted in a store window. Right: Chuck spots a Frenchman with a similar scarf and momentarily considers returning to the apartment in order to change.
Hilarious. They title American movies with dubious translation in other
countries! But waddaya gonna do? Nothing. There’s nothing you can do about it.
Unless, of course you are in some way strategically affiliated with the
marketing department there. In which case, there’s a chance you might be able
to do something about it.
Discovering he can hook up music to my portable
radio, Chuck fires up his Lady Gaga playlist but mistakenly connects his iphone
to the microwave. This results in surprisingly tasty popcorn, however, more
than an acceptable amount of kernels are burnt in the process.
3..2..1.. Pretend like you’ve never had your
photo taken before. Perfect!
Kiss the fucking ring. Little Pierre‘s game
is so tight it causes loss of circulation. Rich photobombing in the background.
I nearly would have missed him had he not been wearing a POWDERED BLUE
SNOWBOARD JACKET. Keep up the good work Rich.
Do you even lift? Lollers. Internetz.
Ahhh, the Eiffel Tower, or in French, la Tour Eiffel. So
fucking romantic it makes me want to buy a bouquet of roses for my non-existent
girlfriend. I once heard a story about this Frenchman who so despised the perceived eyesore of the Eiffel Tower that he would eat lunch at its apex daily, thus avoiding its sight. Bad-ass. Keep up the good work French people.
Hey, where’s Rich? Oh, there he is.
Yeah, I can be, like, a little moody sometimes. But I promise I'm totally worth it.
Feelin’ those arches bruh bruh.
Beyond the mist rests even more French. *Shudder*
Night descends on Paris and sinks its refined teeth into her chic exterior. Mimes emerge from whereabouts unknown, marriage
proposals occur in every photogenic crevice, café-philosophers romanticize a Paris that once-was while staring emptily into fibonacci milk spirals rotating in their latte, denizens near and far adorn their finest chapeaux
and scarf ensemble so that they may stand on a street corner looking cool and
detached. Magic.
a what on my head!? A dragon? Oh cool, I thought you said wagon. Was all like,
“what is radio-flyer up in here?” But a dragon, that’s all goo… wait, a
Spiegel. If you ever need to cast a live-action. Just sayin’.
Zoom. Enhance. Aaaand yep, that baby
will haunt my dreams for all eternity. Thanks France.
think I’ll give up hot dogs for Lent. As a matter of fact, I think I’m just
gonna give them up permanently. You never know what kind of pork by-products
you’ll get. True talk.
Easter egg: demon baby.
- Directed by M. Night Shyamalan
the way, I light up. But here’s a shot of just one of my legs because I’m that
kinda girl. Perhaps after a light appetizer, some fine foie gras, and a bottle
of wine we’ll both attribute fictitious complexities to, I’ll show
you what’s up top. Here’s a hint, it involves some French dude that refuses to
look at me.
“Chuck, should we show em how rough
riders roll?”
“You know it boo.”
Shut em down.
Open up shop?
know nothing about this place other than the fact that it does, or at one point used
to, house a hunchback. Other than that, the skilled eye can detect that this is
indeed, also a cathedral with, in all likelihood, lots of ornate, taxpayer,
churchy stuff inside. One cannot say for sure as it is also haunted and no one
dares step foot inside. Thanks a lot France.
we have spotted the French woman in her natural habitat! One should be careful
not to rouse her as we can note she is already in a state of exasperation. It
turns out her custom black opal broach was not completed in time by her jeweler. Now condemned to attend her dinner engagement with impromptu flair, her mind
scrambles to choose an appropriate substitute that is sensible, coordinates,
but beyond all else, apparent in its beyond-your-means worth. The clock is
ticking. Poor French woman.
best part of the Louvre: standing outside of it at night - in the rain. Worst part: The Mona Lisa. Fact!
Fun fact about horse statues: when two legs are raised in the air, that means the rider died of noble causes and was an honor roll student. Three legs is dysentery.
Fun fact about horse statues: when two legs are raised in the air, that means the rider died of noble causes and was an honor roll student. Three legs is dysentery.
might imagine I used a tripod for this. Try ninja stability.
Man, that is one fine stone railing.
The craftsmanship behind that… boy I tell you. Could use a power wash to
breathe some new life into it perhaps. Would help if there wasn’t all that bullshit
in the background too. But still, that artistry!
has anyone seen Rich?
Please, please, come in. Let me take
your coat and eternally remind you of how poor you will always be.
The Hall of Mirrors. Receiving its
namesake from, you guessed it, it’s hall-like shape. There are also some
mirrors in there. This isn’t gonna help me find Rich!
This is a cool photo. Get high and
stare at it for a while. Come on. I dare you.
painting looks like my friend’s dad, Howard Budner - making it of non-interest
to the majority of the world. If you happen to be a part of the world that
knows Howard Budner, then I wish I could say this actually looked more like
him. The more I look at it, the more it just looks like a dude who has his
pants tied too high up. I mean, he can get away with it, but I digress…
photo makes me think of Jane Austen for some reason. And for that, I kind of
hate it. Thanks France.
I like to keep the grounds somewhat
maintained. It’s not really my life or anything. It’s just that, sometimes, it
can be a little peaceful to get outside and away from the missus for a spell. I’ll just
blast some Dire Straits or Kenny Logins and kind of drift off to a world of
what could have been while I obsessively level my shrubbery.
said to be haunted… by the ghost of Jean-Claude Van Damme if I recall
correctly. What’s that? Oh he’s not dead? He’s Belgian? Is that in France? Hey,
don’t call me an ignorant American! I can locate, like, 13 US states on a map and my dad could buy your dad.
Voulez-vous couches avec moi? No? Oh, I
wasn’t really interested anyway.
These Americans don’t even know the
level of French culinary pastry swag I’m about to infuse in this motherfucker.
Those pigs won’t even appreciate the complex, savory, subtleties I'll cull from the entirety of baking's scrumptious heritage. But you know what? Imma hook it up anyway out
of my overwhelming sense of pride.
that’s right, I clock you watching me drip this chocolate syrup all nice like.
You aren’t just born with this kind of drizzling accuracy. Do
you even know how many waffles I frugally ensconced or flooded in abundance before I was allowed a
permit to sell on the street? About six.
think I still don’t see you. Watch as I fry this motherfucker up like a certified
technician. You want those edges golden
brown? Sorry, best I can do is GOLDEN BROWN!
Enjoy, you piece of shit Americans.
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